Frequently referred to in these times of economic downfall and the individual hardship that it is causing, the Samaritans is an organisation that is steadfast in the moral support it offers to those for whom the burden has become so heavy that they are experiencing depression, acute fear, insomnia and frequently a feeling of helplessness. The Limerick Samaritans are holding an Open Night on Monday, January 31 at their Limerick branch at 20 Barrington Street, commencing 7.30pm to recruit volunteers.
The purpose of the meeting is to inform would be volunteers about the role they would play in offering a listening ear to someone in distress who needs to be able to unburden himself/herself in the assurance that what they say will be held in total confidence.
“Listening to someone who is perhaps depressed, worried, frightened and/or suicidal and who doesn’t know where to turn to, is perhaps the most valuable thing we can do for a fellow human being,??? says a member of the organisation.
There is no obligation on anyone attending the meeting on Monday, to commit there and then to going any further, but it will offer an excellent opportunity to learn at first hand, all that is involved in becoming a Samaritan Volunteer.
To find out more, ask questions and get a genuine sense of what is involved, the Open Night on Monday, January 31, 7.30pm at 20 Barrington Street, Limerick is the place to be.
The Samaritans can be contacted at 1850 60 90 90.
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