Creating Realistic Characters Last week I began to look at how to create realistic characters. This week I want to continue this important aspect of the novel. Try to convey the nature of your character, as far as possible, by indirect means. For instance, instead of overtly stating that he is a mean man, show […]
Fellow Limerick poet Tim Cunningham on John Liddy’s recent publication Arias of Consolation.
Part 5. Becoming a Writer. In this ten-part series Kieran Beville aims to inspire, encourage and assist aspiring writers to fulfil their dreams to become authors.
Part 5. Creating Realistic Characters Central to your story are the people, the characters, through whose eyes, actions and reactions your story will be told. The nature of your plot will determine the type of characters you will need to create. It will be easier for you to be in control and certainly simpler for […]
Part 3: Becoming a Writer In this ten-part Series Kieran Beville aims to inspire, encourage and assist aspiring writers to fulfil their dreams to become authors.
The Novel (part 3) It may be a good idea to plan at what point in the story the high points will occur so that the writing remains lively and dramatic. Aim to use them in such a way that they draw the reader inexorably from chapter to chapter. So that at the end […]
Becoming a Writer. In this ten-part part Series Kieran Beville aims to inspire, encourage and assist aspiring writers to fulfil their dreams to become authors.
Becoming a Writer In this ten-part series Kieran Beville aims to inspire, encourage and assist aspiring writers to fulfil their dreams to become authors. The Novel (part 2) I want to look a little deeper into the idea of writing a novel. You have an idea for a novel. You have let it […]
Becoming a Writer. In this ten-part part Series Kieran Beville aims to inspire, encourage and assist aspiring writers to fulfil their dreams to become authors.
The Novel No writer of the first order needs the formula any more than a sound man needs a crutch. In his simplest moods, when he is seeking to amuse, he does not manufacture a plot, he tells a story. (George Bernard Shaw) Writing a novel is about telling a story. This involves preparing a […]
An Island of Scribes and Bards – Part 3 Limerick Literary Legends – Poets
An Island of Scribes and Bards – Part 3 Limerick Literary Legends – Poets by Kieran Beville Kieran Beville – Proud Limerick-man and former teacher of English Literature – concludes a three part series on Irish writers, notably Limerick authors, showcasing their immense contribution to Ireland’s rich literary heritage. This week the focus is on […]
An Island of Scribes and Bards – Part 2 Limerick Literary Legends – Novelists
An Island of Scribes and Bards – Part 2 Limerick Literary Legends – Novelists By Kieran Beville Kieran Beville – Proud Limerick-man and former teacher of English Literature – continues in this second article of a three part series on Irish writers, notably Limerick authors, showcasing their immense contribution to Ireland’s rich literary heritage. This […]
An Island of Scribes and Bards. Part 1 – The Big Picture by Kieran Beville
Kieran Beville – Proud Limerick-man and former teacher of English Literature – begins a three part series on Irish writers and notably Limerick authors, showcasing their immense contribution to Ireland’s rich literary heritage. It seems that every other person in Ireland is a writer or an aspiring writer. This is reflected in the […]