“I had an uncle, Feathery Mickey Bourke, who lived with us when we were children. He was very much part of the family, silent and odd and lefty lefty as he was. In many ways I was his kind of fair haired boy, because I was the eldest and he had a shine to me […]
An Island of Scribes and Bards – Part 3 Limerick Literary Legends – Poets
An Island of Scribes and Bards – Part 3 Limerick Literary Legends – Poets by Kieran Beville Kieran Beville – Proud Limerick-man and former teacher of English Literature – concludes a three part series on Irish writers, notably Limerick authors, showcasing their immense contribution to Ireland’s rich literary heritage. This week the focus is on […]
Limerick poet John Liddy remembers Desmond O’Grady and Ezra Pound
EZRA POUND AND DESMOND O’ GRADY Much has been written by eminent critics on Ezra Pound’s relationship with William Butler Yeats, James Joyce and Samuel Beckett. We have, amongst other sources, an account by James Longbeach of Pound remembering the three winters (1913-1916) he spent living with William Butler Yeats at Stone Cottage near the […]