The governing board of Limerick City of Culture 2014 has announced that Karl Wallace has been appointed as Artistic Director.
Karl Wallace, originally from London in the UK is the current chief executive of Siamsa Tire, Home of National Folk Theatre of Ireland and will take up his position in Limerick next month.
Mr Wallace previously worked in an artistic and managerial capacity at theatres in the UK, Belfast, and Dublin and is a former Artistic Director of the Belltable Arts Centre Limerick.
He has described his new appointment as ‘an exciting challenge’ which he ‘can’t wait to start’.
“I’m very excited to be coming back to Limerick and returning to a city that has one of the best artistic and cultural infrastructures in the country,” he said. “I’m looking forward to rolling out the programme encompassing culture, sport, heritage and the arts and I see City of Culture as a real catalyst for Limerick- a year in which a variety of agencies can work together to make Limerick the best destination city in the country for 2014.”
Limerick City of Culture Appoints New Artistic Director

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