COLLECTION and drop-off times at all schools can be a war zone but Lisnagry are endeavouring to make it as safe a zone as possible.
Located on a narrow country road, the growing school has just erected new life size signs of children. They include captions like “I’m small keep me safe” and “I’m small be aware”. The latest initiative is on top of moving a wall back to make more room for a roundabout type collection/drop-off area.
Michael Feeney, principal, said the new signs help promote vigilance.
“We are constantly promoting road safety here in Lisnagry National School. With a growing school population, drop-off and collection times are very very busy and we are always emphasising the need for vigilance regarding keeping our children safe.
“We are fortunate to have an excellent stop and drop facility here in Lisangry and we work tirelessly to ensure it runs smoothly. Mulcair Men’s Shed have just made us these little people safety signs to further enhance our facility and emphasise our safety message,” said Mr Feeney, who thanked the men’s shed who also made them a buddy bench.
“The Road Safety Authority also supply excellent resources for teaching road safety which we find very beneficial. Knowing and practising good safety skills are some of the most important lessons the children will ever learn and are a reminder to us all to practise good road safety habits at all times,” said Mr Feeney.
Teacher, Maura Barry said they are currently working on their travel flag as part of the Green Schools initiative. Fittingly, she say, their main theme is road safety. The junior infants class kindly left the comfort of their classroom for the Leader photographer.
The sound of traffic from the nearby motorway stresses the need for road safety. Junior infants teacher, Sheena McDonald said teaching the boys and girls at a young age is very important.
“Children need to learn to cross the road and to look left and right. We’ve been learning about the safe cross code on the RSA website. They enjoy doing the dance, singing the song and saying the poems. It hammers it home to them how important it is to them to safely cross the road,” said Ms McDonald.
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