I’m considering getting a kindle, and I’d like to stick with the original one to save on cost. The size seems to do well with average-sized paperbacks, but I’m wondering how easy it is to read larger-sized pdf documents. I have some full-sized textbooks in pdf, as well as many journal articles that are formatted to paper much larger than the screen. Has anyone had experience reading such documents on kindle? How did it work out?
The large size .pdf will display on the Kindle screen in full. The text will be very tiny, and you will have to zoom in to various sections.
They say the Nook color is great for textbook diagrams, since the Kindle line uses e-ink. I’ve tried PDFs on the Kindle 2, but they end up blurry. Try calibre (ebook converter).
I actually searched the same question last several days. when trying to look the answer I found a way to get a free Kindle 3G from http://www.simplykindletoday.tk!!! my Kindle is arriving in 2 days and i’m so excited I can’t wait!!!
Good luck and have a new phone